PAWOC : Ovarian Psychos and Ana Tijoux

Hey you!

So, I wanna start a new series on my blog called PAWOC aka Pretty Awesome Women of Color and it will do just that! Showcase some of the badass women of color doing super awesome things and whom inspire me. I have been wanting to include something like this for awhile, but I guess I was waiting for the perfect place to start with my series. I didn´t have to look any further when while watching, A Privileged Vegan´s recommendation on independent news outlets, I came across Ovarian Psychos and just the name alone, my uterus was intrigued.


Ovarian Psychos describe themselves as; “an all womxn of color bicycling brigade cycling for the purpose of healing our communities physically, emotionally and spiritually by addressing pertinent issues. We envision a world where women are change agents who create and maintain holistic health in themselves and their respective communities for present and future generations”.  If neither that nor their badass name gets your attention, perhaps the fact that they call the person who mediates disagreements between two people in the group, a “clit rubber” will?  I know right?? Like how??

The group gives birth to a from of activism that isn´t only radical but also very relevant. Especially for women of color who often times can´t seem to fit the narrower approaches that mainstream feminism often takes. Handling all this from a holistic perspective, adds to the intersectional perspective that woc are able to bring to movements of fundamental change, within their own communities.


In the interview with Laura Flanders, a channel I also found through A Privileged Vegan’s recommendation, they encourage women all around the world to not be afraid to start their own women circles. They also encourage women to bring their sense of humor to the serious causes they face, and to make the names of their groups as silly as they please. It is inspiring to witness brave women, who turn their hardships into inspiring initiatives or in this case, a badass sisterhood of cyclist with a great mission and charm to go with it. They approach their politics from “feminist ideals with indigena understanding and an urban/hood mentality”.  Basically, relatable political views we can all stand behind, or at least I sure can.  Anyway, check them out so we can all fan girl at not only their attitude as goals but those killer hand signs too!

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My next PAWOC is Ana Tijoux, whom I found the day after I found Ovarian Psychos. She is a french-chilean multitalented musician, an MC, songwriter, singer and recording artist. Ana, was born to two chilean parents who had fled to France during the Pinochet regime  military coup in 1973.  In her music, even though I don´t understand much Spanish, I still understood her wildfire of a soul. Like, I got her music before I could even  fully understand which language she was rapping in ( sometimes my mind is slow like that). I played it for my sister and she said the exact same thing! See, that is powerful, message and vibes beyond language.

Her music is bold, funky, encouraging, feminist and smooth as almond butter (*pretend she has tasted almond butter)! She tackles her art from an activist´s perspective, singing songs of empowerment, call to action or just reminding you to never stop fighting that good old intersectional oppression, which unfortunately, is a language most people understand too well.

Okay, what I recommend, is that you play Ana Tijoux´s Somos Sur, featuring Shadia Mansour( who is another badass PAWOC of Palestinian heritage) in the background, while you read about Ovarian Psychos. The song is a great manifestation of the collaborative amazingness, that is created when women connect; cross culture, cross struggles, giving voice to one another and singing songs for their often times, unheard or silenced experiences. All with a pinch of colorful and optimistic joy. A true and heart warming example of intersectional feminist solidarity with a strong beat to it too. You can find the lyrics translation here. Be warned though, its pretty lit! And just when you think it can´t get any more lit, Shadia starts rapping,… and you kinda just transcend into girl-level heaven and dopeness. You could also give Antipatriarca a listen while you at it, the title speaks for itself. Either way, you will feel like you are ready to strap your ovaries, roll up your girly sleeves, wear something frighteningly pretty and get back to your badass world changing duties. With a tribe of sisterhood behind you and in your headphones, what more could a girl want?…

I hope you enjoyed the first post of PAWOC and you stay true and you, always and regardless.

Best wishes, from my ovaries to yours 😉

(also an example of why I don´t make friends easily)

Best wishes

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P.s I do not own the rights to any of the external information, photos or videos in this post

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