Adventures in Brazil; Chapter One

A few days ago:

May in Brazil, first chapter

As I write this, I am sitting in Recife Brazil, I’ve travelled for an entire day and then some. I should be tired, and I guess I am a little tired but I am also quite awake and excited! It´s strange (amazing) to make a plan with your mouth and then see it lived out when the time comes. In a few hours, I’ll no longer be in a long-distance relationship (with my love) however, I’ll be starting a long-distance relationship with my friends and family. Yet I am excited!

I love that I have the opportunity to have a choice in where I get to stay. I love that I am able to imagine a life in many places and I can´t wait to experience and learn from what life has to share with me from this side of the world.

In a few hours, I’ll be in Salvador, with Girassol,… after almost 2 years and with a few hiccups and many frustrations, we will get to experience our relationship on a new level.

So far, we have been “vacation lovers” but now we will also get to be “everyday-lovers” with all the perks and flaws that might have to offer. Apart from G,  I am also excited to be able to wear open shoes 90% if not more, of the year, (very important). I am excited to be mistaken for a local in a foreign country rather than a stranger in my home country lol, basically to be surrounded by more people who look kind of like me too! I am excited about learning to grow food – about plant life, about building an adventurous life! Small or big, I’m here for it. Oh and trying to learn another language and hopefully up keeping the others as well!

Wish me luck, I wish me luck too and lots and lots of self-care and love along the way! Stay tuned – blooming somewhere new”


Currently; It has now been 9  days since coming to Brazil. It is full winter here, as wintery as it gets of course! In the beginning, I was all jokey about this being called “winter” but ha! Looks like the joke is on me, as I am currently sitting here with a poncho my MIL (Mother-in-love as we prefer to call her) had hidden in her winter collection. I even got to wear my thick knitted socks,.. yes,.. while everyone else laughed while saying “but aren´t you from northern Europe though, how are you freezing in the Brazil?” – perhaps yes, I too was puzzled by this sudden realisation,.. freezing?…in Brazil? But I have never been here in Winter (so there is the shock aspect) and I am still an African girl biologically and so, this will be needing some getting used to of course.

I mean it´s not Denmark cold, but it is cold enough to make it cosy-indoor – weather:). The flip side of this is that ‘hygge’ season (my one favourite thing about winter in Denmark) is still going to be a part of my life. Also, all this rain is making the earth and plants so happy after a very hot summer. My boyfriend also told me that I will come to love winter here in the future, as it gives you a few months break from the otherwise usually hot temperature. Imagine that, a world where winter is something people look forward to? Something I might look forward to?

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