
Closet favourites and wishes

First of all, it´s finally summer here in Copenhagen, we knocked at 21-celsius degrees today! And in correlation with my recent birthday, I have been thinking about deliciously simple yet crafty (my style exactly) outfits! Some to lounge at home in, some to bike cruise in, some for late night strolling with friends and family grabbing snacks, some for “makers-gonna-make” times, some for kisses in lush parks with my main squeeze. You know, your usual settings.

So, here are a few outfits and items on my lust and favourite list! (P.s thinking of gifting myself something on this list as a belated birthday gift #treatyourself!

Shoes: I´ve been really drawn to simple and playful shoes – the eclectic in me, loves the mix of simplicity and fun shoes, yet also comfortable. Neutral and natural colors mostly, and a few fun pieces! And oh yes, my feet gotta be out and breathing after months locked inside in socks and boots!



Outfits: Thinking breathable materials, minimal yet fun and delicate constructions are my favourites recently. Since I am aiming to collect more clothes of good quality and natural fibres, I am going with linen, linen and some more linen! 


Accessories: While I would like to create a more simple base wardrobe, I do love the mixture of fun and more vibrant accessories to go along with the simple base – I have been eyeing more playful pieces,; think well-made-DIYs, think your local artist, think urban village girl, yeah, that 😉



These are my closet wishes and lusting this summer – or at least my main mood board closet wise! I truly am starting to fall in love, more and more, with dressing up- or adornment as I like to call it. Self adornment is an empowering and important part of self-care, and choosing how you intentionally want to show up for yourself and others is an awesome thing! ( now if I could only get my bank account to agree *crossedfingers)  Plus, a killer outfit can set the mood and scene for a girls dreams and now that it´s summer and warmer, well, a girl has got to play! Enjoy life, join the revolution while looking as cute as you feel on the inside ;). Adorn yourself.

P.S I usually prefer to find these products as cruelty free as possible: My attempt at that, is finding vegan products (a growing number of awesome vegan shoes and bags btw, yay!), local and  secondhand usually do the trick for me!

Make things happen!

And best of all, may you always find the courage to bloom, wherever life plants you <3


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