Turning lucky number 27!


So this time last Sunday was my birthday. I turned 27 and was pretty excited but also kinda very grown-up about it(brushes my shoulder in pride, then looses grown-up points). I didn´t want much really (something that has increased in my twenties) I only wished for a secondhand bike, mom´s good food and my sister´s famous vegan carrot cake. I got my mom´s amazinggg food, the bike will wait until next month and the carrot cake? Well, my sister replaced it with cake from my favourite vegan cake place and a promise for us to bake the real cake together. Good enough for me lol.  I loved my day because I got to spend it with my close family and my partner, Girrasol (meaning Sunflower, because he is one), who also turned 27 this year. He made the day even better, even though he keeps telling me about how all the greats die at 27, so “we have to be extra careful this year” he jokes. Which is semi flattering, because apparently we are amongst the great according to him and a little paranoia inducing.

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But in other words, I just really have a feeling about the age 27 you know? A sort of intuition right? And suddenly everyone around me is also turning 27 or is already 27! Strange huh?! Anywhere, here is a beautiful message I found on an interesting site about the nr.27, and something I would like to take with me this year and share with you too if you are turning 27. Even though I am not a numerologist or anything, I always like to stay open-minded to messages that might speak to my heart and intuition, wherever they come from.

“Angel Number 27 is a message to believe in yourself, your intuitive messages and your inner-promptings. You have been receiving messages about your Divine life purpose, and your angels encourage you to follow the guidance and directions accordingly. Trust that your angels support you in your spiritual endeavours…27 is a message of faith, trust and self-belief. Your angels ask you to step forward on your life path with confidence and grace. Maintain a positive attitude and perspective and trust that you will manifest positive results, rewards and blessings into your life.”
I want this year to be a year of persistence, a year of great hope and work towards that hope. I want to turn 28 and look back in astonishment at what I have been able to create and find during my age as a 27 year old! That is what I want to speak into existence this year! My first week has already shown great promise, so I´m feeling pretty pumped thus far! haha. Wish me luck and great courage, incase I need some!
I truly hope you enjoy, whatever age you are or are turning and I hope you find luck and create luck, wherever you might go.
Remember to bloom wherever you are planted (my new tag for this year)

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