You Only Turn Five Once // PEDA.7

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Day seven is a quickie because it has been eventful and I am sleepy and full and so we must take it all in review.

This was my baby sis´s fifth birthday! She was excited because, presents, and because we fetched her from kindergarten instead of mom which was a surprise.

We wanted to treat her to her first cinema experience but to be honest, we were perhaps more excited than she was. She kept calling the screen a huge television, which of course was true and trying to take her nap time. The part she was most excited about was definitely the medium size popcorn bowl and the extra candies. Oh the joys of being five and the appreciation of all the things the big kids take for granted.

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I had my hair in a quick semi braid, semi twist out and it kinda still rocked. I am really really enjoying my hair this time around! I feel as though the more I have it out the more I love it. I also love having my baby sis seeing my hair as it is because I know it creates diversity in her mind of how hair can also look like 🙂 This is also why we chose to see the movie HOME because it was pro-black-ish themed hehe – It was such a funny movie and super sweet too! Representation matters because it means my little sister can look at the brown girl on screen and understand that she too is worth making a movie about.

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All in all, it was a great day to have had and celebrate my little sis and spend it with the fam and good ol’ African food ;D


Have a good one and don´t be a stranger

