Welcome to my digital oasis about all things holistic healing, living, thriving, curiosity and creativity.

My name is May, I am a Ugandan raised in Denmark, a little nomadic at heart. While growing up in Uganda, South Africa and Denmark, I have also lived, as an adult, in Germany, France, Brazil, Portugal and Spain. I just love how big the world is and how many places we are able to call home and be shaped by.

Most of the work I do is rooted around holistic and intersectional Afrocentric healing and personal decolonization, both as a holistic life coach and creative that creates digital content.

You can find more of my work in the following places:

May in bloom youtube channelEfforts in living a wholesome authentic life and creativity.Watch
May in bloom InstagramSame as above but in case you want more consistent updates. Follow
Bloombabybloom studio For all my illustrations and creative multi-passionated ventures!Follow
PodcastIn case you prefer to have me in your ear while gardening, cleaning, walking, or whatever you get yourself up to.Listen
Abantu May youtube channelFocused on decolonization and social commentary on all things Africa/naWatch
Not The NormAn afro-positive creative collective, I co-founded with some other awesome African women Visit

I am truly passionate about self-development and sharing through what I learn or am learning. After years of understanding how to own my own universe, I love to inspire other people to create and live from a place of self-acceptance, authenticity, power, and compassion as well.

I work towards gentle progression rather than perfection. I enjoy trying to understand why the world and we as humans are as we are and how we can live more in harmony with ourselves first, those around us and our environment.

On this blog, you will find the universes that pull my spirit; holistic healing, decolonization, black girls and women magic, the plant-based intuitive eating lifestyle, conscious style & design, spirituality, sustainability, personal growth, artsy-pantsy-ness and whatever else blooms in my corner of life.

I am a child of the internet but with feet softly planted in the soil. With this online oasis, I hope to share a curiosity about all that happens in the realm of holistic living, mind, body, soul, and surrounding. May you find something here, that resonates with you too.

If you are curious to learn more about me and my being, I recommend you check out my book In Constant Bloom

Otherwise, consider me your short big sister from the webs and I hope to inspire you to also bloom wherever you are, with whatever you have.  

With love, light and courage


Psss, if you have questions, business, hearts, or just want to say hi, you’re welcome to fill out the contact form below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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