May Favourites & Findings

I have been on some very interesting spaces online lately!
And I just was like, why not document it on Boxyprojects?!


Creative findings:

I recently stumble on two amazing African artists this month -Kenyan Artist Wangechi Mutu

Wangechi Mutu

You-Are-My-Sunshine-2015Senegalese multi- artists Issa Samb and his captivating perspectives and creation. The man is art himself by the way.

Issa Samb_inst__c_Nils_Klinger-17_01


Platforms findings: -(Just check it out for yourself)

EcoConsciousMinimalists on youtube! and they are a black couple! Sooo here for it!

Music and tunes:


My boyfriend usually likes recommending Netflix finds he thinks I might be interested in and usually he knows me well. This month I watched Love Songs and during one scene, September Fields by Frazey Ford came on… well of course during the movie I knew neither the singer nor the song, so I had to google text, which was a little challenging because homegirl likes to mumble her words (which is one thing that really positively caught my attention). A few days later and I am still obsessed! Her music speaks my mind, it´s fluffy, summery, autumn, honest, unapologetic and poetic. It feels like being hugged from inside your soul for real. I love those moments in life where suddenly you find music that makes you ‘dance again’ lol.

Life Inspiration: Nalongo – A Ugandan heroine

Leaving a legacy of life and empowerment. I watched this short clip on Omelete that touched my soul, really got me thinking about what it means to leave something behind. A legacy. Something of value that keeps giving. What it means to do something you truly love. Nalongo, we honour you.


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Nicecream – Copenhagen

This week I had an amazing experience for the first time, something I had been eyeing and converting for some time but just felt like it would never come in a vegan version…But the universe loves me and while I was about to buy my usual sorbet ice-cream with a friend, I decided to check out a new spot. And there it was on the menu! Trying not to get too excited, I asked the girl behind the counter if EVERYTHING WAS VEGAN? She smiled and said: “yes, everything”. Long story short, I got the sandwich ice cream I have been dreaming about all this time. It tasted exactly like I expected it to taste; divine, a gift from the gods, plus it was soy free too, so double win!

Anywho, those are my awesome finding this month so far! Hope you are all well, finding treasures in every corner

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May Favourites & Findings

I have been on some very interesting spaces online lately!
And I just was like, why not document it on Boxyprojects?!


Creative findings:

I recently stumble on two amazing African artists this month -Kenyan Artist Wangechi Mutu

Wangechi Mutu

You-Are-My-Sunshine-2015Senegalese multi- artists Issa Samb and his captivating perspectives and creation. The man is art himself by the way.

Issa Samb_inst__c_Nils_Klinger-17_01


Platforms findings: -(Just check it out for yourself)

EcoConsciousMinimalists on youtube! and they are a black couple! Sooo here for it!

Music and tunes:


My boyfriend usually likes recommending Netflix finds he thinks I might be interested in and usually he knows me well. This month I watched Love Songs and during one scene, September Fields by Frazey Ford came on… well of course during the movie I knew neither the singer nor the song, so I had to google text, which was a little challenging because homegirl likes to mumble her words (which is one thing that really positively caught my attention). A few days later and I am still obsessed! Her music speaks my mind, it´s fluffy, summery, autumn, honest, unapologetic and poetic. It feels like being hugged from inside your soul for real. I love those moments in life where suddenly you find music that makes you ‘dance again’ lol.

Life Inspiration: Nalongo – A Ugandan heroine

Leaving a legacy of life and empowerment. I watched this short clip on Omelete that touched my soul, really got me thinking about what it means to leave something behind. A legacy. Something of value that keeps giving. What it means to do something you truly love. Nalongo, we honour you.


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Nicecream – Copenhagen

This week I had an amazing experience for the first time, something I had been eyeing and converting for some time but just felt like it would never come in a vegan version…But the universe loves me and while I was about to buy my usual sorbet ice-cream with a friend, I decided to check out a new spot. And there it was on the menu! Trying not to get too excited, I asked the girl behind the counter if EVERYTHING WAS VEGAN? She smiled and said: “yes, everything”. Long story short, I got the sandwich ice cream I have been dreaming about all this time. It tasted exactly like I expected it to taste; divine, a gift from the gods, plus it was soy free too, so double win!

Anywho, those are my awesome finding this month so far! Hope you are all well, finding treasures in every corner

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