To Write // PEDA.1

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“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.”

Anaïs Nin


SOooOOoo,.. I am trying to create something this month that is about a thing that I care about and want to do more of and improve/evolve what have you.

Last month I did Yoga for a month as much as I could and this month I want to improve my writing and to write more, so I created this little project for me to try out. The challenge is inspired by VEDA (Vlog Every Day April) on Youtube so this is PEDA ( Post Every Day April) and so I am excited! I am imagining the subjects being anything under the sun, whatever I might find relevant or inspiring to share and contemplate about.

Because it is the beginning, the first post is about writing and the beauty of writing because that.. is.. sort.. of..what.. I will be doing ya know. See, I fell in love with writing when I was twelve and couldn´t take German classes with the rest of my class because I was busy trying to learn the national language (Danish) hehe, so you know, I could order food and pronounce the name of the town I lived in for the bus driver- You know, important stuff. So, instead, I would write short stories or poems and by the end of a few years, I had quite the portfolio of written work.  I love to write because I love words and I love to create meanings, direct or indirect, with how I chose to put words together. Weirdly enough, I am not a detail oriented person when it comes to words, so proofreading is a must! Yet, mistakes still spill through in some way or form, leaving traces of my humanity and cloudy head. I have learnt to live with that and hope you can too on those occasions. That perhaps I have a few ‘hear‘ when I need ‘here‘ but to the ear and the reader, the meaning, I hope, does not disappear.

I loved writing because it freed me from my head and brought the intangibleness of existence and painted it on something tangible. It helped make and sort life into realness. So, this is a month of honor and to rekindle my love and appreciation of words, as the beautiful tools they are, that help me construct and build my philosophies and reality.


I hope you find something lovely for you here too and don´t be a stranger.

